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Bollate, first stage of the school canteen open to parents: the project in collaboration with ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø

The recent initiative to open the school canteen to parents in Bollate was a great success in its first stage at the Montessori School. The project, conceived by the Councilor for Educational Policies of the Municipality in collaboration with Very serene restaurant, aims to involve families in evaluating and improving the quality of the school canteen service.

Parents had the opportunity to have lunch with their children, enjoying a menu that included saffron risotto, omelette, green salad, orange and bread. After the meal, a questionnaire was distributed to collect feedback and evaluations on the food offered.

The results of the questionnaire showed a high level of satisfaction: 80% of parents judged the portions to be sufficient, while 16% judged them to be abundant. The flavor of the dishes, the cooking and the temperature of the food were also positively evaluated. Some parents have suggested small improvements, such as serving the first and second courses at different times to prevent the dishes from getting cold.

All parents expressed a positive opinion on the initiative and said they were in favor of replicating it in the future. They appreciated the opportunity to be directly involved in improving the canteen service and promoting nutrition education for their children.

The initiative was launched to evaluate and improve the quality of food in school canteens, directly involving families for the first time. The aim is to ensure that the school food service maintains high standards and promotes nutritional education which is fundamental to the well-being of young people. This participation aroused great enthusiasm and appreciation from the families.

The next stage of the project in which ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø collaborated will take place at the Rosmini School. It will be a further opportunity for parents to express their opinions and contribute to the continuous improvement of the school canteen service.

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